Follow my sweet adventures as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the California Bakersfield Mission.
- See ya in a quick 2! Elder Eli Moore

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Monday, September 26, 2016

P-Day Yay!!!
When we first got here it was really smoggy and they took us to a church for orientation and food. Then later that night we got to have food in the mission Pres. home and it is beautiful! President and Sister Layton are awesome. From what I have heard they come out on splits with us and just love the missionaries! The weather is super hot it is still hitting like high 90s! We are living in a apartment! and i don't know the address right off the top of my head but I sent Eden a letter with it in there. If it hasn't come on Tuesday  just send it to the mission office and they will send it to me! Elder Watkins and I could not be any more different! but I have learned to love him and learn from him! and yes we have a car thank goodness! The biking areas are really small and most of the missionaries just walk! I will let you know if I need one or am going to get one! Some things about Rosedale is that it is really small and there are a lot of Catholics that are less active! But its really hot and an area that doesn't really have very many poor people - every one is well off! So my week started off slow we just walked around and got a feel for the area and then Sunday came and we got to meet the ward and they are awesome and loving! I love you guys so much and can't wait to see more pics and hear more stories!
love, Elder Moore 

 (Another note that came in)
I love hearing from you guys as well. I wish that we could have talked for longer! Well its been a crazy first week! My trainer is the new District Leader and we white washed a whole zone that was crazy because we had no clue who the missionary's were working with before we got to Rosedale! But we did do a lot of walking around and seeing all of the different kinds of people that are here in crazy Rosedale! There is this church out here that is the size college! But Rosedale is my first area and my companions name is Elder Watkins and we couldn't be any different from each other! But the first couple of days we were here is was really slow like I was saying but now we are gonna start working more with less actives and part member families! The more I learn about this area is that people don't really talk with their next door neighbors! So we haven't gotten any referral's and when we do it is in the next area over! There is this family in our ward that has this initiation to the ward and that is to eat this hot sauce. Its so hot that when you buy it you need to fill out a waiver! So I will send that video of us eating that as soon as I can! It looks like the house is coming together perfect and cant wait to see more and more pics of the house and the family!

Elder Moore and Elder Watkins with the "Hot Sauce Rosedale Initiation"
hahaha it was crazy hot but it was worth it! I like this video because thats how different we are and its great to learn from someone like him! But today we had a good talk with President Layton! He's a stud and knows how to run things just like grandpa! I love you and cant wait to hear more!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Friday, September 23, 2016


We were so lucky and blessed to get a text from the Wilson family tonight with a brief update on Elder Moore. Eli had dinner at the Wilson's home. They were so thoughtful to send us a picture! We were also able to find out that Elder Watkins is Eli's trainer. He is new to that area as well and is from Ohio! He is also serving in the Rosedale area in Bakersfield (very close to the mission office).
Thank you Wilson's for taking such great care of our boy!

Elder Moore and Elder Watkins at dinner at the Wilson's home!

The Wilson family (my favorite family in Bakersfield so far!!:)

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

California Here He Comes!

We are a letter short this week because Eli is on his way to California today! He was scheduled to fly out on Monday the 19th. The flight was a 7am at the SLC airport. Eli let us know that he would have to start his day at 3:30am!! OUCH!
We got a phone call at 6am and were able to hear Elder Moore's cheery voice! So great to hear!! We weren't able to talk long but Eli explained that his flight was cancelled and they would be going back to the MTC for the rest of the day and head out the next day (Tuesday the 20th) on the same flight schedule - another very early morning! We said our goodbyes and got to look forward to a longer conversation the following day.

On Tuesday (9/20) we woke to a phone call at 6:30am. Again, a cheery (and a little tired) Eli was able to call us!! Yay - it really is better than Christmas!!  He sounded wonderful and was able to fill us in how much he enjoyed the MTC, more details about some great Elders and Sisters he had met and leaders that he learned so much from.  He had some great stories to tell and was happy to hear stories from home and we had some good laughs. We were able to talk for a little over a half an hour and then had to say our goodbyes. The goodbyes are always hard...

A few of the Missionaries that Eli traveled with. There were 17 Elders and 4 Sisters from his MTC district traveling to Bakersfield that day. We loved that Elder Potter's mom, Alice worked at the airport and was able to be with them as they navigated their flights. She was really helpful when their first flight was cancelled on Monday. Alice sent a text saying, "It has been a pleasure to be with your missionaries for the past couple of days. They are all excited and in good spirits...I feel fortunate to work for the airline they flew out on."

Later that evening we got an email from President and Sister Layton from Eli's mission letting us know he arrived and all is well! So grateful for these wonderful leaders watching over Eli while he is away! It will be a long week - we will hear from Eli on his P-day on Monday! Yay!!

Elder Moore with President and Sister Layton!

The new Bakersfield Crew!

Letter from President and Sister Layton:

Dear Parents,

The missionaries have arrived in Bakersfield safe and sound. We are thrilled to have them on board. They are all smiles and energetic to go to work. We are thankful to you as parents for allowing them to build up Zion in Bakersfield.
President and Sister Layton.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

2nd P-Day!! Last one in the MTC
(The first part of the letter is  answering some family stuff - sorry just put it on here for journaling:)

Hey Family!

Haha the bouncy balls have been a blast and they are just keeping me from going crazy with all the studying that we are doing! But as for the rest of the things that I asked for they are all here - thank you so much for all the love and support and for all those sweets! Tell Eden that she's going to kill it next year (in volleyball) if she practices and endures to the end like it says in our missionary purpose! Odig is gonna' kill it in football. Tell him that he needs to hit low in order to get those big dudes to go down! That is awesome I can't wait to get home and see our rockscape gone. When do you think everything will be done with the extra garage? and I think I only need my bike helmet sent to the mission home but I will let you know if there is anything else.

But now on more of a serious note. The days here feel like weeks and the weeks feel like days! You have probably heard that we have had 3 apostles come and talk to us this week. They all have the same thing to say and its crazy because they don't even write notes before they come - they just speak from the Spirit. But as for what they say is all the same and that is that we need to turn to the Lord in our teachings and in our own personal lives. Elder Cook came last night and talked about the 4 Loves 1) Love your companion because if you can be unified with him you can teach anyone.
2) Love the people and learn from them.
3) Love your Mission President and learn from him and all of his successes.
4) Love the Lord
I love the last one because if you love the Lord you can do all things (Alma 26:12). I just want to end by saying that I love you guys and can't wait to hear back from you and hear all the stories over the next 2 years!
Love, Elder Moore

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Elder Moore's 1st P - Day! Yahoo!!!

This was a response to a letter that Jason wrote to him:

Hey Pops! I freaking miss you! But the MTC is sweet - we are only in the classroom for 10 hours a day:) but it is awesome learning more and more about the Gospel. We started to teach out first investigator and he is from Cuba. He has a lot of questions about the church! You have probably already heard that I got called to be a District Leader. Its been a fun experience learning new ways to lead and to teach and how to keep people focused on the lesson. I have already had to do a companion inventory with this companionship in our class because they are from two totally different backgrounds. But as for Elder Steel (Eli's companion) he's a stud! He is super calm and knows a lot about the Gospel! His nickname is 'No Emotion' because you can't tell if he is happy, sad or dying laughing. Also, thank you for the scripture reads - I will for sure look them up. I freaking love and miss you and can't wait to see a pic of winter coming and the yard coming along.

Love your favorite son, Elder Elove.

This one was to the family - he was answering a bunch of questions from us and the kids.

Hey I love you all so much and miss you but its been good here so far! (Owen asked how he liked the food) The food here is awesome! My companion is awesome - he is just like me! I have 3 roommates and two are the zone leaders which is crazy! The classes are freaking long but they are teaching me so much and we pretty much have class all day and only stop for lunch and dinner! But so far the MTC has been crazy! We taught our first investigator the second day! It has been awesome - I love you guys so much and I can't wait to hear all the crazy stories!

Love, Elder Moore

Monday, September 5, 2016

We were so happy to receive a voicemail from President Ivins, a member for Eli's Branch Presidency in the MTC. He left the following message:

Hi Brother Moore, this is Brother Ivins from the MTC Branch Presidency. I just called to let you know that Elder Moore is doing a fantastic job as District Leader. You've raised a wonder son and in fact his District is really setting a great example for the other Districts in our Branch and I just thought you would like to know that. He's awesome, he's a wonderful missionary and he's a great leader. That's all - call me if you have any questions. Thank you and have a great day!

This message made our day!! Especially since we had not heard much from Eli since he began at the MTC. It just reassured us that he was happy and doing well. What more could you ask for!?

Later that week, Jason and I were able to speak to President Ivins and had an awesome conversation. He told us that he had been serving at the MTC for 6 months and that Eli was the first missionary he felt inspired to call home about. He talked about how great Eli and his companion Elder Steel had done and what great missionaries they are. Such a great man! We are grateful for his influence and confidence in Eli!

Elder Steel, Elder Moore and Brother Ivins

Elder Steel and Elder Moore - 1st Day at the MTC (8/31/16)

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

MTC Here He Comes!!

Today Eli arrived at the MTC in Provo, UT. We had a great morning as a family. Our Stake President, President Davis, came to our home and shared some beautiful thoughts with us regarding missionary work. He set Eli apart as a full-time missionary and offered such a beautiful blessing. We will never forget the sweet spirit we felt.
We had a little lunch at Outback Steakhouse (Eli requested a Bloomin Onion - Yum) and then headed to the MTC. Eli's drop-off time was for 12:45. As we were directed into the MTC, Eli spotted one of his close friends on the curb helping the missionaries that were arriving. Eli said, "No way - its Georgie!" When Elder Brimhall (George) saw us he ran by our car until we parked at our assigned place. Just a little reminder that even in hard times Heavenly Father is looking out for us! Elder Brimhall was a ray of sunshine that day for our family. He helped Eli gather his things and took some pictures of us.  When we had all said our goodbyes, trying our hardest to be as calm as Eli was, Elder Moore and Elder Brimhall headed into the MTC...

About an hour later we received our first missionary email from Elder Moore. He said the following:

Thanks so much! I love you guys and I'm gonna miss hanging but I know that this is the right thing for me and the family. It's pretty sweet here. I got to hang with George for a little bit and he got to show me around. I started to talk to some sisters and some old sister got mad at me for goofing around:) But everything is going to be good. Love you guys and can't wait to tell some awesome stories! Hey my p-day is Wednesday. I love you guys and will talk to you then.

Love, Elder Moore